underlying assumption

美 [ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ əˈsʌmpʃn]英 [ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ əˈsʌmpʃn]
  • 基本假设
underlying assumptionunderlying assumption
  1. The suggestion that electromagnetic signals were the most promising means for interstellar communications became the underlying assumption of all the searches , including the optical ones .


  2. The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited .


  3. The underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis .


  4. As the economy decelerates , the government appears to be rethinking that formula , although not the underlying assumption .


  5. The underlying assumption of high-speed rail is that proximity to London , measured in journey times , is key to regeneration .


  6. But at the heart of all these views is the underlying assumption : we can make software development more predictable , and less prone to waste .


  7. The underlying assumption is that it 's preferable to discover flaws and weaknesses in a model of the system rather than in the real thing .


  8. There is an underlying assumption that once countries invest enough in science and technology ( and the education that underpins it ), social progress will virtually automatically follow .


  9. The underlying assumption of the study is that students ' belief toward and their actual behavior demonstrated in autonomous learning combined will determine the developmental degree of their autonomous learning .


  10. The underlying assumption is that these professionals are unable to determine the best course of action by themselves , even though they have the skills to do the actual work .


  11. Such behaviour is regarded as " all too human ," with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance .


  12. It 's very easy to absorb misinformation , to create and spread an underlying assumption that you 're somehow incomplete if you haven 't found your soul mate .


  13. Techniques based on rules for analysis of vulnerabilities rely on experiences of the interactions of system 's components , which appear hard to obtain because of the complexity of system , race condition and underlying assumption .


  14. In this paper , on the basis of underlying assumption of game of technology diffusion mechanism , we analyze the behavior of subjects of technology diffusion and give the suggestion of the technology diffusion mechanism of PRD industrial clusters pattern .
